Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sleeping Giants

David Jennings reveals a spark of hope for the Republican Party and its quest for knowledge, previously thought to have been lost along with their integrity, in a recent article entitled Downtown Houston Pachyderms Hear About Failed Drug War. 

His article having been written in response to Dr. William Martins’ speech regarding the failure of the War on Drugs, his audience is unclear. Based on his organization and diction though I would conclude his target audience to be young people of all kinds, obviously not a very precise assumption, but the guy is not giving away a lot to go on either.

Mr. Jennings’ underlying focus point of his whole post can quite adequately be summed up by the cliché of an old dog learning new tricks. He presents this old republican who has both supported and financed the War on Drugs for decades, now however the old dog is realizing his failed attempts at forced salvation and now seeks to educate us on wasteful and detrimental byproducts synonymous with war, especially failed wars.

Jennings correctly and effectively sites significant statistics, highlighting Martins’ message and hopefully reaching his intended audience.

Often times with any serious issue or question there are two extreme points at either end of the spectrum, for some reason whenever the issue or question is regarding the government the two extremes are “righteous government” and “wild conspiracy theorist”.

I personally find that situation to be quite comical, specifically because we are so trusting of the government that if some disagrees slightly with a policy or decision that they are labeled “un-American” or some other ridiculous and dismissive name. This thinking is exactly what Jennings and Martins are trying to combat. We need to understand that our government is not always right or infallible, that in many ways we are more corrupt that than the devil himself, Stereotypes like the “crooked politician” do not fall from thin air.

The prohibition of alcohol was a blunderous joke of political history, second only to the prohibition of drugs. We as responsible Americans must correct and control our government in the hopes of upholding our constitution and our liberty against the web of corruption now strangling our society.

Morality and liberty are defined by the people and protected by law, and whenever laws or their enforcers become oppressive to our existence we must mold them to our benefit.

D.A.R.E. – Deceiving Authorities Regulate Extortion

Wise Up and Rise Up!

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