Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Keep Calm and Carry On

Throughout Texas, public schools have recently been investing in small arms training and implementation in public schools, specifically in highschools.

In Harrold County, Texas, the board of trustees for education has given its consent for certain faculty and staff members to now legally carry concealed firearms at all times. When questioned about Harrold county, Rick Perry supported this act by stating and restating that the responsibility of deciding whether or not to allow guns in schools should be decided by individual districts, also encouraging us Texans not to overreact and jump on the Federal Government’s bandwagon of gun control.

This response to violent tragedy is long overdue if you ask me. Columbine should’ve been the point when we started arming all school staff, creating an environment of defense rather than vulnerability; there is a reason why no one robs police stations or gun shops…

There have been talks throughout the country about creating a national database for crazy people, so we can better keep tabs on them and thereby minimize these kinds of killings. I say let’s not wait for the Federal government to get around to it, I mean this is Texas for heaven’s sake, we don’t wait for crap. At the very least we’ll be able to keep unstable people from buying guns in Texas, and not to mention, when coupled with this new policy of arming teachers, Texas should be a much safer place.

The obviously lazy and/or corrupt Federal Government is inept when it comes to solving problems instead of taxing them. Not to say that our Texas Government is any different, but when it comes to Texas Government we have much more say in the matter, in the sense that when it steps out of line we don’t have to catch a plane to D.C. to lynch somebody.

Let’s solve problems and make Texas an even safer place to live.

Wise up and Rise up!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Dependent - Glenn Goldsberry

I agree with Glenn,

“Over the years, society has become increasingly less intelligent about social and political issues, and has become more economically dependent upon the government to meet its needs; often satisfying more of its “wants”. I believe nowadays that a majority of our nation’s population has instilled an incredible amount of trust and sense of faith in an arguably untrustworthy and hopeless establishment.” – Dependent, Glenn Goldsberry

I could’ve said it better myself, but he did a pretty good job.

(General sweeping statements time)

Our nation has largely become deeply and unconsciously indoctrinated through public schools and government controlled mass media… or in other words, people are just dumb. We have chosen to elect a man to the most powerful position in the world simply because of his color. We are swayed by misleading and inaccurate campaign commercials and reject basic logic, we’re taught to believe, not to reason and study. In a quite literal sense we are a flock of sheep. We believe that the military always fights with righteous intent, when in reality they fight for oil or to maintain our unruly and unsuccessful empire. We praise Abraham Lincoln for freeing the slaves through the Civil War, and we neglect to wonder as to how every other country that practiced slavery abolished it without war. We praise George Bush for avenging 9/11 through the Iraq War, yet we forget that Osama Bin Laden was a CIA informant and that the U.S. created Al Qaida in the 80s to repel the soviets. We’re not taught about many of the founding fathers being associated with the Free Masons or what actually happened to JFK or Pearl Harbor. We need to overhaul this vastly “untrustworthy and hopeless establishment”.  We the People must hold our ELECTED leaders’ feet to the fire and demand our freedom. It’s time we ended this reign of greedy and deceiving shadowy figures controlling our lives through tyrannical legislation like the Patriot Act or hellish illegal prisons like Guantanamo. We must fight for a truly transparent government, one that is so honest that conspiracy theories would become a thing of the past. That public schools would teach true history, not the glorified and edited version of the agenda driven government.

Fight for the constitution.

Fight for what’s right.

Fight like Ron Paul.

Wise up and Rise up!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


The American government, a vast and overbearing huddle of the corrupt, trying to benefit through the control and puppeteering of others’ lives and money. Whether the extreme liberal left or the unreasonable righteous right, the minuet differences between them are irrelevant, both are desperately trying to control your lives and take your money. The left would seek to pour your money down the drain into welfare or public housing while the right however would seek to pour it down the drain of wars and imperialism. There is always this constant struggle between these two groups, both trying to control, both trying to overpower, both revealing their incompetence and excessive lifestyles. Libertarians however, have solved the puzzle. Any true libertarian wishes for nothing more than to give you more freedom, more money, and more responsibility. To reduce government is to reduce corruption, debt, war, and crime. Most see government as a catalyst for solving problems, but anyone who actually knows what they are talking about knows that more often than not, government is the problem. If Libertarians would have had their way since about 1900, there would not have been Prohibition, Jim Crow Laws, the illegalization of marijuana, the War on Drugs, Desert Storm, The Korean War, The Vietnam War, The Gulf War, The Cold War, The Missile Crisis, the 16 Trillion dollar Debt, The Iraq War, Imperialism, and a whole bunch of other very expensive and taxing events that could’ve easily been avoided.

Libertarians seek to agree on what we can agree upon like defense, equality, and Liberty, and let We the People decide for ourselves what to do with our money and what we disagree upon. To give everyone the chance to decide for himself what’s important and what to spend his money on, in short, you should be able to do whatever you want as long as you’re not hurting anybody.

A more agreeable and reasonable position could not be asked for, this approach to Government would solve almost all our problems. Apply it!

Wise up and Rise up!!!