Throughout Texas, public schools have recently been
investing in small arms training and implementation in public schools,
specifically in highschools.
In Harrold County, Texas, the board of trustees for
education has given its consent for certain faculty and staff members to now
legally carry concealed firearms at all times. When questioned about Harrold
county, Rick Perry supported this act by stating and restating that the
responsibility of deciding whether or not to allow guns in schools should be decided
by individual districts, also encouraging us Texans not to overreact and jump on
the Federal Government’s bandwagon of gun control.
This response to violent tragedy is long overdue if you ask
me. Columbine should’ve been the point when we started arming all school staff,
creating an environment of defense rather than vulnerability; there is a reason
why no one robs police stations or gun shops…
There have been talks throughout the country about creating
a national database for crazy people, so we can better keep tabs on them and
thereby minimize these kinds of killings. I say let’s not wait for the Federal
government to get around to it, I mean this is Texas for heaven’s sake, we don’t
wait for crap. At the very least we’ll be able to keep unstable people from
buying guns in Texas, and not to mention, when coupled with this new policy of
arming teachers, Texas should be a much safer place.
The obviously lazy and/or corrupt Federal Government is
inept when it comes to solving problems instead of taxing them. Not to say that
our Texas Government is any different, but when it comes to Texas Government we
have much more say in the matter, in the sense that when it steps out of line
we don’t have to catch a plane to D.C. to lynch somebody.
Let’s solve problems and make Texas an even safer place to
Wise up and Rise up!
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